Eiffel Tower

Yo-Yo Trick

Alright, next trick is called the Eiffel Tower. It's a great trick. If you ever go to France this is a good one to do in front of the Eiffel Tower and get your picture taken. It looks like this. With a little imagination, you can picture the Eiffel Tower there. It's got 2 bottom legs and it's one post staying straight up. It's just like that. We'll teach you how to do this. Once again, just like the Jamaican flag, start with a dead yo-yo. It's going to give you a lot more time to work with it while you're doing it. Drop it straight down. To do it, you take your throw hand. Make an L with it just like that, and you bring it across the string. You take your non-throw hand and you actually grab the string that's coming in between your thumb and your middle finger here. You grab it and pull it. It's kind of like making a sling shot. It looks like you can let go and shoot like a sling shot. It's an L. You grab and pull. Then put your non-throw hand all the way through that loop that you just created. What you want to do is just grab that one string hanging down from your thumb. You grab it, pull it through that loop like so. Now what you hold on to is you got one hand holding on to one string that you just pulled through, and your thumb is still in this loop over here. That's important. We'll do that one more time. You pull through like a sling shot, grab that one string, and notice how I let go everything else when I pull that string to my non-throw hand. Keep that L with your throw hand just like that. Take your thumb, your thumb is the pivot point. Take it and point it straight down like so. See how is brings that string across. Then use your scissor fingers, your pointer middle finger, and you pinch the string like that. Notice you've got your shape. Usually when you display it, you just take both hands and turn it sideways to display. That's your Eiffel Tower just like so. Once again, sling shot, pull through, grab that string, twist your throw hand down, pinch, and display. With a little practice, put the sleeper into it. You can get it going pretty fast. It looks just like that. The Eiffel Tower.

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